An article examined the management of hate crime in the South West of England, looking at the implementation of hate crime policy across agencies. The research found some good practice and effective multi-agency working, alongside evidence of policy drift both between and within agencies.
Source: Zoe James and Lesley Simmonds, 'Exploring prejudice: managing hate crime in the South West of England', Crime Prevention & Community Safety, Volume 15 Issue 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Oct
An article examined the changing geography of racial violence, in terms of new areas and targets. With racial violence officially defined as just one form of 'hate crime', it was now divorced from any wider political context or racialized climate and reduced to a matter of individual pathology. The changing parameters of racism and the state's responses presented a challenge which the political Left and anti-racists had been slow to meet.
Source: Jon Burnett, 'Britain: racial violence and the politics of hate', Race and Class, Volume 54 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2013-Mar
A report said that attacks on people from ethnic minorities were spreading to new areas of the country, as a result of rapid population changes. It highlighted the potential dangers of 'decanting' those affected by the benefits cap to towns and cities that had little history of 'diversity'.
Source: Jon Burnett, Racial Violence: Facing Reality, Institute of Race Relations
Links: Report | IRR press release
Date: 2013-Feb